Komplexe Revisionschirurgie der Achillessehne (mit Eigen- und Fremdgewebe)

Achilles SpeedBridge™ System (Video)

Sam Labib, MD, (Atlanta, GA) presents a double row insertional repair of the Achilles tendon following a Haglund’s resection using the Arthrex® Achilles SpeedBridge™ repair. Dr. Labib shares unique surgical pearls during this live surgical procedure.

Achilles Midsubstance SpeedBridge™ Implant System (Video)

James McWilliam, MD, (New York, NY) performs an Achilles tendon rupture repair, featuring the Achilles Midsubstance SpeedBridge™ implant system. The Achilles Midsubstance SpeedBridge implant system combines the strength of FiberWire® sutures with SwiveLock® anchors for a strong knotless repair that anchors the Achilles tendon to the calcaneus.

Achilles Midsubstance SpeedBridge™ – Knotless Achilles Repair (Video)

Gordon Mackay, MD, (Glasgow, Scotland) demonstrates midsubstance achilles repair using the Knotless SpeedBridge technique. Professor MacKay performs the repair via a minimal incision approach combining the PARS and SpeedBridge techniques, allowing for less dissection, faster technique, less wound issues, and possible earlier return to normal activities.*

*Reference supporting literature

Achilles SpeedBridge™ with FHL Tendon Transfer (Video)

Thomas San Giovanni, MD, (Coral Gables, FL) demonstrates a Double-Row insertional repair of the Achilles tendon following a Haglund’s resection. This is an in-depth live surgical technique video using the Achilles SpeedBridge with live audio and detailed explanation of the procedure.